Category: Conversations
Is great leadership defined by what we stop?
I was reflecting earlier today, on my trundle round the snowy countryside with the dogs, about the nature of leadership – both personal leadership (of self) and the leadership of others (teams, functions, organisations). It was sparked by a number of conversations I had recently with different people – all with a similar refrain, the…
Self-compassion – the gift that keeps giving
Despite attempting to practice what I preach and having a lot of tools at my disposal for maintaining a positive outlook and building my mental health, there are still always situations that floor me and create great opportunities to learn and grow. Last week I had a bit of a mini meltdown and slipped into…
Are you one of the 50%?
As professionals, we spend on average 50% of our waking lives working – doing it, commuting to it, thinking about it, talking about it – and research also shows that around 50% of us are not engaged in what we do. It makes sense that we should feel motivated, inspired, excited and energised about spending…
I bet fear is getting in your way somewhere?
I wonder, as we get sucked into the hugely commercial fiasco that is Halloween this evening, what you are scared of? I am scared of spiders, of upsetting or letting people down that I care about and I am not overly keen on small spaces if I am honest! Apparently we are born with only two…
Three reasons you can’t see what you are looking for
Any Dad out there will I am sure have been on the receiving end of this (often semi-sarcastic) refrain “are you Dad looking again?” when you have failed to find something you were looking for. Now we are not alone in suffering from this supposed affliction, my daughters have an even worse case of it…
Do you catch \’them\’ doing it well?
This blog was inspired by a couple of events, brought together after listening to the Radio 2 Thought for the Day slot last Friday – this was centred on ‘catch people doing it well’. The presenter asked the question – how often do we ask people “what is right with you?” rather than the usual…
It\’s tough being an effective role model!
I have just submitted a membership application on behalf of my daughter to join Ramsbottom Running Club and will happily stump up the £20 fee – isn’t it funny what you will willingly pay for and on what things you attempt to impose the ‘take accountability for money’ lessons on your children 🙂 Anyway –…
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Back in 1974 when I was just 5 years old, I was travelling in our battered old Peugeot 504 (KLH 666 :-)) from Njoro down to the coast at Mombasa for our family holiday! Now, as much as I remember, it was a usual trip, giraffe and elephant on the side of the road as…
I bet you don’t ask for help very often?
A couple of weeks ago winter finally came to the North West and we had a weekend of snow – well to be precise, an inch of the white stuff fell on Saturday evening, much to the delight of the kids. On the Sunday I took the opportunity of heading out in Lara, my old…