
1:1 GC Impact Profile Review

Complete your online GC Impact Profile assessment and review your report with GCologist and Partner Richard Ferguson. Together you will explore your proclivities (natural energies) and how they can be used by you to increase your contribution and maximise your impact.

Regardless of which team you join, what job you start or which direction you take your career next, your Impact Profile will accelerate your journey.

If you would prefer, provide your contact information, and I will give you a call

Transform Your Impact

Three ways to transform your performance:

  1. Improved self-awareness: Completing a GC Impact Profile assessment will help you gain greater insight into your skills, strengths and weaknesses, as well as what kind of environment is most conducive to your productivity and success.
  2. Enhanced team participation: Use your GC Impact Profile to identify group dynamics and develop strategies for collaboration and communication, helping you work with any team more productively.
  3. Increased job satisfaction: By understanding your preferred work style and how to best utilize your strengths and skills, completing a GC Impact Profile assessment will increase your job satisfaction and enthusiasm for your career.

Richard Ferguson - Partner and GCologist

Richard Ferguson is a certified Partner of the GC Index a qualified GCologists.

Richard works with individuals, teams, and organisations to improve their performance using the GC Index to help drive insights and identify key areas where they can maximise their potential and achieve greater success in their careers and their lives.

In your information-packed 1:1 review you will discover why you find some activities effortless, while others drain you and how to identify the right jobs, the right people and the right organisations to match your energies and build the career of your dreams.

You’ll leave the review with more confidence, more enthusiasm and more clarity on what you can do next to make every day more fulfilling.