\"\"As professionals, we spend on average 50% of our waking lives working – doing it, commuting to it, thinking about it, talking about it – and research also shows that around 50% of us are not engaged in what we do.  It makes sense that we should feel motivated, inspired, excited and energised about spending half of our waking lives doing this thing. Are you?

If you were to score yourself out of 7, which side of the 50% would you fall into?

7 = I love my working life, I am pursuing my passionate purpose, energised, excited and loving the way I earn my living. Right career, right job, right organisation and right opportunities.

1 = I hate my working life, I feel disheartened, under-valued, I am drained by the work I do and feel disconnected emotionally and intellectually. Wrong career, wrong job, wrong organisation and no opportunities.

2 – 6 = somewhere between the two extremes. Whilst it\’s a simplistic and subjective exercise, it gives a flavour of where you stand when you look at your entire working life.

Few of us would accept less than a 7 in most things we do or are involved in. And we don’t get to have this life over \"\"again, we get to live it just once.

I have been pursuing my passionate purpose of ‘motivating and inspiring people to build a brighter future’ for a while now and have been working, as some of you will know, on an approach I called Sat Nav for Life – helping people build a plan to realise a fulfilling, rewarding and happy life.  In my travels I bumped into Sarah David over 3 years ago, Sarah shares a similar passion for helping people build Working lives they Love.  We have often talked about and shared our ideas until finally deciding to bring our offerings together, and our collaboration aims to help over 1000 people over the next 10 years; to guide people to love their working lives more, coaching, facilitating and educating whilst establishing a community of people who Love Work More.

Scott Dinsmore, before he died, had a similar aspiration and with his wife, who continues his work, encouraged people to Live Your Legend – his excellent TED talk may just give you some additional food for thought.

If you want to get involved or find out more – please check out the Facebook page for LoveWorkMore – a place to share your insights, ideas and experiences – ask for help or help others.


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