Welcome to the last blog of the year (non Aconcagua related at least), it certainly doesn’t feel like 12 months since I was writing something very similar last year! Year 3 was the year that I tried to work out what I wanted to be when I grow up and as Kili Consulting comes to the close of its 3rd year I am rightly proud of all we have achieved.  We have helped some wonderful clients with some interesting and exciting projects, whilst at the same time trying to define what we should focus on, what we really stand for and what we will be famous for! I have been a bit distracted with #btbywtb and my Sat Nav for Life proposition, but am now clearer how I can bring that to my Kili clients in a way that adds value.  My impending trip to Aconcagua has also been a distraction, but hopefully one that proves to be as fulfilling as it will be challenging.  I am looking forward to a short but wonderful break at Christmas, a chance to relax and fatten up, apprehensively but excitedly preparing for what will be a massive year for me, for Kili and I hope for my clients.

Quality time off should be about preparation not recuperation. So how do you ensure that, for those of you lucky enough to get some time over the next couple of weeks, you use that time to focus on the things that will help make 2017 the best year it can be. There are three things I shared with you last year that I would urge you to pick up again and an additional item I would add for this year!

Look back and learn – I once heard someone observe that the past is for reference not for residence, so take the opportunity over the holidays to find some time to review 2016, but don’t dwell on it.  This should create two lists. List 1 – a long list of the things you are proud of, have achieved and want to celebrate – this creates real energy, confidence and should fuel your ambition. List 2 – lessons you have learned – from both your successes and the things that did not go so well, why was it the case and what will you do differently the next time.

Look forward and plan – now is a great time to revisit your goals and aspirations, to add, change and delete as you see appropriate.  Give yourself the space to ask yourself this great Dan Sullivan question – “It is 3 years from now, looking back, what has to happen in your personal and professional life for you to feel happy with the progress you are making?”  Set some goals for this year that would help you track towards that 3 year horizon and agree with yourself how you will monitor your progress.

Focus on health and relationships – you can achieve very little in life without your health and strong, stable, supportive relationships – so take the time over the Christmas period to invest in your health and the relationships that make a difference for you.  This includes your relationship with yourself – a little meditation goes a long way and time spent being ‘present’ (no pun intended) over Christmas – enjoying the moment of what you are doing and who you are with is key.

Be more grateful than wishful – one of the things I have learned this year and tried to practise on a daily basis, is \"gratitude-happiness-2\"that gratitude is a discipline which enables us to make the most of what we have, creates greater happiness, confidence and contentment. If you can spend more time being grateful for what you have than you do wishing for what you don’t have, you will be one step closer to success.

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and very best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year.


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