Tag: Challenge
8 Leadership Lessons from Tough Mudder
Last weekend a couple of friends and I completed the North West Tough Mudder event in Malpas Cheshire. To the uninitiated Tough Mudder is, and I quote…. “a team-oriented 10-12 mile obstacle course designed to test physical strength and mental grit. Tough Mudder puts camaraderie over finisher rankings and is not a timed race but…
How to Unicycle your way to success in business and life!
[twitter name=\”name\”] [retweet] Picture the scene, it is a blustery day on the streets of Horwich (near Bolton for the uninitiated), the crowds are lining the streets in there……well……. 10’s and the 3rd National Unicycle Race is about to get under way! At the start are an eclectic crew with ages ranging from 14 to…
Slide out and onto the slope
Very fortunately I have just returned from a week’s skiing in Switzerland, with my eldest daughter Alice, my nephew and my brother-in-law. I say fortunately for two reasons 🙂 1. We all returned without injury and 2. We were very lucky to be able to have the time, health and finances to go. Now, I am no…
Look where you want to go, not where you are going
I have recently embarked on a new adventure, well, when I say adventure I guess I mean challenge! Ever since an experience a couple of years ago on the back of a ‘motor taxi’ around the ‘peripherique’ in Paris I have wanted to learn to ride a motorbike. So, having taken my basic test last…